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The Various Types of Alcohol Problems You Should Know About

A person who has an alcohol problem does not necessarily mean he or she is an alcoholic. Alcohol problems can range from occasional driving to full-blown alcohol dependence or alcoholism.

However, not everyone with these problems is an addict, and everyone can benefit from alcohol addiction treatment. Therefore, it does not mean you have to exhibit all of the signs and symptoms of addiction to have a problem. It is said a patient has a mild problem if he or she exhibits 2 or 3 of the symptoms. When you have 4 to 5 symptoms you are considered to have a moderate alcohol addiction. On the other hand, if you have 6 or more symptoms, then you have a severe alcohol use disorder.

Alcohol Dependence and Abuse

The designation of severe, moderate or mild alcohol use disorders are terminologies used in medical diagnoses. The alcohol problems probably you know are described as binge drinking, alcohol dependence, and alcohol abuse.

Binge Drinking

This is probably the most common alcohol problem. It can be described as drinking an excessive amount of alcohol in a single drinking session. For a man, it is drinking more than five standard drinks. While for a woman is drinking more than four standard drinks. Why is drinking at this level regarded as a problem? Recent studies show that alcohol consumption at this particular level causes a lot of harm. There are various ways that this alcohol problem can result in serious health issues. If you engage in binge drinking, you have an alcohol use disorder. Even though you are not alcoholic, you should seek help.

Binge drinking has been found to be common in colleges. It is quite common among 18 to 21-year-olds. Some studies argue that students who engage in binge drinking are likely to damage property, miss more classes, become injured, experience more hangovers, and have issues with law enforcement officers. Also, they are likely to experience more unwanted sexual advances and physical assaults.

More young adults dying from diseases related to binge drinking – Story | WFLD“When I talk to young people with alcohol-related liver disease, I will say, ‘If you really want to see what can happen to you, let’s walk to the liver ICU where people are waiting for liver transplants that are probably within 3-to-5 years of how old you are,'” said Dr. Galati. He also said he’s written letters for three of his patients in college asking schools and fraternities to not discriminate against them for not drinking. More young adults dying from diseases related to binge drinking – Story | WFLD

Alcohol Abuse

Having time out with your friends and taking a lot of alcohol is considered an alcohol problem. It is quite common among young people. If your drinking causes problems in your life, and you continue despite the harmful consequences, then you can be considered to have an alcohol abuse problem. This may result in poor performance at work or school, neglecting your responsibilities, drinking while driving, and trouble with the law.

It is said that your drinking of alcohol has become abusive if despite the legal, social, or personal problems it has caused in your life you continue drinking. Since alcohol addiction is a progressive disease, you need to get help at this problem lest it causes more problems.

Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol abuse can quickly turn to alcohol dependence. This happens not only when problems continue to increase in your life, but also it starts to affect you physically. When you are alcohol dependent you begin to crave it when not drinking, have withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop, continue to drink even when you have psychological or physical problems.

When you get to this level, it becomes difficult to try and stay sober. This is because you have developed both psychological and physical addictions upon alcohol. Ideally, you have become an alcoholic. It is quite easier to quit drinking before you get to the alcohol dependence stage. Unfortunately, most people do not seek help until their drinking causes devastating negative consequences. This is what is called hitting bottom.

Drinkers Like Me – Adrian Chiles – YouTube

Adrian Chiles looks into what alcohol dependence and drinking too much actually means. All copyrights with the BBC, loading it here for other people around the world who are fighting alcohol issues to watch. This video is not monetised in any way. Drinkers Like Me – Adrian Chiles – YouTube

Seeking Help

Alcoholism is a serious issue, but it is manageable. If you have this condition, you can get the psychological and medical support you need to change your drinking patterns and your life. This work needs to start right now. You can call us on 0330 113 2627 now. At Rehab HC, we are committed to changing the life of an addict forever.  It is our mission to ensure our patients get the best possible treatment and care. We have assembled a qualified team of qualified counselors, addiction advisors, doctors, and recovered ex-addicts. We have a lot of experience working in this field, and we have helped many people overcome their addiction.

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