Are You Addicted to Marijuana? Let’s Find Out!

For years now, marijuana has been used by people to obtain its medicinal benefits. And, of course, there are people who use it for recreational reasons, too. Irrespective of the reason, you must know that there is something such as “marijuana addiction.” 

Even though getting addicted to marijuana is quite uncommon. If someone is, it means he/she falls under the small percentage of people who are diagnosed with severe cases. 

While the cannabis use disorder won’t necessarily impact the addicted person’s health, it will surely disrupt his/her life significantly. 

Let us learn about the signs that suggest a person might be addicted to weed and require relevant treatment for cannabis addiction. 

1- Strong weed cravings
One of the visible signs of addiction, whether it is for alcohol, weed or hard drugs, is strong cravings. 

Strong urges to abuse a substance often showcase that a person is addicted. He/she might sacrifice important commitments in life, including school, work, etc., just to obtain and use weed. 

2- Loss of interest
Someone who is addicted often prioritizes the substance (he/she is addicted to) over anything else. Such individuals are more likely to cut back activities that once brought joy. 

Lack of motivation is yet another classic sign that suggests a person is addicted. An addict will lack the drive that engages him/her to pursue goals, stay responsible, etc.

3- Visible withdrawal symptoms
Another sign that suggests one should visit rehab centres for the treatment of cannabis addiction is visible withdrawal symptoms upon stopping the use. This could mean that the individual has marijuana dependence and may find quitting challenging. 

These symptoms include –

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability

4- Enhanced tolerance rate
When someone uses a particular substance for a longer period of time or continuously, his/her tolerance rate to that substance increases significantly. And in order to satisfy the needs or achieve those desired effects of “high,” he/she might increase the use of the substance, too. 

Yet another sign of marijuana addiction is an “enhanced rate of tolerance.” If that is the case with you are someone you know, getting admitted to a rehab for weed sooner is a smarter choice. The longer you wait, the worse the addiction will get.

5- Usage even after negative consequences 
A person who has an addiction often oversees the consequences his/her addiction has on him/herself and the people surrounding. In fact, the addiction ends up taking a major toll on their physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

Listed below are some consequences that addiction (to any substance) has on an individual –

  • Paranoia
  • Cognitive impairment 
  • Dropping out of school or college
  • Financial instability 
  • Impaired memory

Irrespective of how badly marijuana influences their lives, addicts continue to use marijuana to satisfy their needs. 

What to do next?
The best thing you can do once you determine your addiction is to obtain relevant treatment for cannabis addiction. 

Of course, you can embark on a marijuana detox journey at home, but you would be better off detoxing at a rehab for weed facility. At rehab centres, you can obtain support from experts throughout the process. Again, you will have relevant assistance available to overcome severe withdrawal symptoms. The best part, your likelihood to relapse will reduce significantly.

To be concluded
With marijuana, addiction is not a potential risk. But the possible effects it has on developing brains could lead to unnecessary issues down the line. 

If you notice either of the signs listed above in yourself or a person (you know) that uses weed, suggest him/her undergo addiction treatment at a rehab for weed. 

The sooner the addiction is handled, the easier it will be to overcome!