As a person seeking some recourse or help for a friend suffering from cocaine or heroin addiction, you might have studied a lot. You might be searching for several options and even feel helpless.
Many people might not even know where to start and how to approach the solution. They may hear the response from others or Google for a solution. However, nothing good ever comes from simply getting generic advice. So you have the option of going for more professional consulting from a reliable clinic like Rehab Healthcare. The clinic has a team of consultants who can give you the best services and consult as required. Often, the solution might be medication or tapering that can lead to recovery.
Why Personalized Care is a Must

You might find clinics offering a systematic and personalized care method. This is vital, especially if the case is that of long-term addiction. If your friend has been an addict to alcohol or drugs and you cannot help him out, make sure to take him for the first round of counseling. If your friend is aware of his condition and fears social ostracization, it is best to go for a one-on-one consultation. It makes sense to go for private addiction treatment in the UK to ensure them some privacy and freedom to open up about their condition.
Hence, this private treatment works wonders. In addition, there could be times when the patient feels safer to confide in a doctor than to a family member or a friend. So, you can check these clinics and see how they conduct private or personalized treatment.
In getting medical or rehab treatment, a point to note is that there is no only one way to recover. You can have more than one solution for the treatment of the condition.
While medication might help one person come out of an addiction, it might not suit another person. So, there is no generic single way or solution to addiction.
Residential Rehab and What to Expect
When your friend has been taking alcohol or consuming drugs for long, the recovery cannot be fast or instant. It will take a lot of time, and you do not have the luxury of time. Consulting a rehab clinic at the earliest will be the best solution.
While the option for residential rehab treatment in the UK may seem obvious, you might want to consider several factors. Many deny going for residential rehab because it would take at least a week to a month or more. It means they would have to be away from their home and work. Others with severe addiction might not even go for residential rehab because that would keep them away from their drugs.
A problem with severe addiction is that they cannot do without it. They look for ways to come out of it. They also need to look for ways to procure some crack or hemp. Hence, keeping their environment clean is the first step towards their recovery.
Some people go for multiple substance addictions, thereby increasing the risk and even the level of addiction. So, treatment for this case has to cover both the substances and do it simultaneously. Normally, the relapse rate is very high in such a case, so admitting the patient for residential rehab will be essential.
Addressing Age and Health Concerns
If you plan to take your parent for the treatment, you might want the doctor to know of the pre-existing health concerns. It would help in them giving better treatments. If they are above the age of 60 or undergo treatment for any vital organs, they should go for personalized treatment.
If the doctor is trying to taper the dose of drugs, he or she can do it keeping in mind the patient’s age. They can also give attention to the medication they already consume for their health.
If you do not go for personalized treatment, in this case, the doctor might recommend a generic medication or method.
More Effective Treatment
Residential Rehab could be partial or complete, and both of them will have relapse or withdrawal symptoms. But in case of partiality, you might have to handle the patient after he returns home. In the case of full-time rehab, the doctors might monitor every step the patient makes. It helps in keeping their relapse or withdrawal under control.
Specialized care is key to the recovery process, and therefore, you look for the ideal solution from the London-based clinic of Rehab Healthcare. The clinic has teams working round the clock to treat people of their addictions and ensure they return home clean.