effects of addiction 2

How Addiction Affects Friends and Family Members


As you probably know, addiction is not a one-way road. In fact, the negative behaviors often affect their loved ones. When one is addicted to alcohol or drugs, his or her behaviors do not occur on another planet. It can be challenging to be in this given role, as a family member or friend of the loved one who is addicted.


Moreover, most people who are addicted are living in denial, and they do not understand the effect of their actions even on themselves, leave alone the way they affect people who are close to them.


Losing Relationships


One of the effects of substance addiction and abuse is that one separates himself or herself from their friends and family. Besides, he or she loses interest in various activities that they were interested in them. This withdrawal can be quite painful as one loses his best friend, wife, or husband.


Causes Emotional Turmoil


Friends and family can encounter emotions and negative mindsets because of the addiction of their loved one. For instance, they can start blaming themselves in a manner that reduces their self-love or self-worth. Studies show that addiction promotes mistrust. This is because addicts commonly lie to their friends and family members about their habits. They can go to the extent of being dishonest, evasive, and secretive. A person’s spouse can experience disappointment or sense of loss, as shared hopes or endeavors seem to fall apart. Also, addiction takes center stage over family needs or relationships.


Develops Negative Roles


The truth is that addiction can change friendships and family dynamics in a wide range of ways. One of the ways is enabling. This is when a partner, spouse, child, or a friend contributes knowingly or unknowingly to one’s alcohol or drug use because of his or her actions. In most cases, the person will also be in denial to a level they cannot see full truth of addiction.


Being Isolated


It is possible an addict can be isolated from his or her friends and family. This is because addicted persons want to form a “protective” barrier from their loved ones. In the process, the addict loses contact with the loved ones. In this way, you render what might have been a beneficial and positive support system null and void.


Financial Stability


You should note that addiction consumes money, often in large amounts. When a person’s substance use becomes more compulsive and frequent, he or she runs out of the financial resources to buy the drugs or alcohol. This may result in a lot of things. For instance, a person can lose his or her job because of addiction. They can use resources that are meant for other important things to use them for buying alcohol or drugs. He or she may even steal money to get the alcohol and drugs. This may lead to one defaulting on various bills such as rent, mortgage, utilities, and much more. When you are unable to contribute or provide financially, it may place an undue amount of stress on their children and partners.


Risk of Diseases


Various diseases such as meth, heroin, among others, are known to carry the risk of deadly transmissible diseases. Hepatitis and HIV are quite common with the use of certain drugs. The main threat is because of injections among drug users. In fact, addiction lowers their inhibitions and also increases their risky towards negative behaviors as they strive to find, get, and use their drugs. In some instances, some addicts trade sex for alcohol or drugs.




Addiction causes a lot of tension and stress in various ways. Unfortunately, in some instances, this can be quite intense such that a couple cannot live together in such a toxic environment, this results in divorce. This does not imply that if one of the partners is addicted that divorce is a must. However, statistically, the risk is quite high.


Getting Help


The above situations do not have to continue. Nowadays, various support and rehab services exist to help family members and friends. Also, counseling and therapy are always an option. At Rehab HC, we provide comprehensive and compassionate treatment program. If you are experiencing these damaging and negative situations because of your family member or friend’s addiction, do not sit back, we can help you with your concerns.

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